Прэтт Ф.

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Прэтт, (Марри) Флетчер (Pratt, [Murray] Fletcher) (25 апреля 1897, Буффало, Н.Й. [Buffalo, N.Y.] - 10 июня 1956, Лонг Бранч, Нью-Джерси [Long Branch, New Jersey]) - американский писатель-фантаст. Брат Роберт. Проучился год в Хобарт-Колледже и несколько лет спустя два года в Парижском ун-те. В основном занимался самообразованием. Работал в The Buffalo Courier Express. В 1920 переселился в Нью-Йорк. Стал профессиональным писателем в 1923. В годы Второй мировой войны был военным экспертом в The New York Post. Умер от рака.

Историк по основному роду занятий, П. был экспертом по военной истории, сосредоточившись на истории великих битв прошлого и истории военно-морского флота.

Жена - Инга Стефенс (Inga Stephens) (1926-до смерти), художница, часто иллюстрировавшая его книги.

Первая НФ публикация - рассказ "Цикл осьминога" ("The Octopus Cycle", 1928, как П. с Ирвином Лестером [Irvin Lester], также псевдонимом П.).

П. является составителем первой жанровой антологии "общего мира" - "Замороженная планета" ("The Petrified Planet", 1952, анонимно), участником которой наряду с Х. Бимом Пайпером и Дж. Меррил он являлся.

Переводил с немецкого и французского. Прославился тем, что изобрел способ извлекать гонорар за перевод из тяжело расстававшихся с деньгами издателей. Он предоставлял первую часть перевода, убеждался, что она пошла в печать, а потом отказывался предоставить вторую, пока не получит оплату.

Публиковался также под псевдонимами George U. Fletcher, George W. Fletcher, George V. Flecther, Irvin Lester, B.F. Ruby.



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Колодец Единорога: Роман. - СПб.: Северо-Запад, 1992. 480 с. 200 тыс. экз. ISBN 5-8352-0086-2 (fantasy) [Супер.; Пер. с англ. Г.А. Трубицыной; Отв. ред. П. Крусанов; Худ. Михаил Глашкин; Худ. ред. Виктор Меньшиков]



Др. соч.:






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[With L. S. de Camp] Tales from Gavagan's Bar. - Twayne, 1953. 228 pp hc [Gavagan's Bar]

[The Gift of God (ss); Corpus Delectable (ss); The Better Mousetrap (ss); Elephas Frumenti (ss); Beasts of Bourbon (ss); The Love Nest (ss); The Stone of the Sages (ss); Where to, Please? (ss); The Palimpsest of St. Augustine (ss); More Than Skin Deep (ss); No Forwarding Address (ss); When the Night Wind Howls (ss); My Brother's Keeper (ss); A Dime Brings You Success (ss); The Rape of the Lock (ss); All That Glitters (ss); Here, Putzi! (ss); Gin Comes in Bottles (ss); The Black Ball (ss); The Green Thumb (ss); Caveat Emptor (ss); The Eve of St. John ( ss); The Ancestral Amethyst (ss)]

[With L. S. de Camp] Tales from Gavagan's Bar: Expanded Edition. - Owlswick Press, 1978. hc [Gavagan's Bar]

[Preface; Elephas Frumenti (ss); The Ancestral Amethyst (ss); Here, Putzi! (ss); More Than Skin Deep (ss); Beasts of Bourbon (ss); The Gift of God (ss); The Better Mousetrap (ss); No Forwarding Address (ss); The Untimely Toper (ss); The Eve of St. John ( ss); The Love Nest (ss); The Stone of the Sages (ss); Corpus Delectable (ss); The Palimpsest of St. Augustine (ss); Where to, Please? (ss); Methought I Heard a Voice (ss); One Man’s Meat (ss); My Brother's Keeper (ss); A Dime Brings You Success (ss); Oh, Say! Can You See (ss); The Rape of the Lock (ss); Bell, Book, and Candle (ss); All That Glitters (ss); Gin Comes in Bottles (ss); There’d Be Thousands in It (ss); The Black Ball (ss); The Green Thumb (ss); Caveat Emptor (ss); The Weissenbroch Spectacles (ss)]


[With L. S. de Camp] All That Glitters (ss) //De Camp L.S., Pratt F. Tales from Gavagan's Bar. - Twayne, 1953. [Gavagan's Bar]

[With L. S. de Camp] The Ancestral Amethyst (ss) //F&SF, 1952. Aug [Gavagan's Bar]

Asylum Satellite (na) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1951. Oct [==Project Excelsior]

[With L. S. de Camp] Beasts of Bourbon (ss) //F&SF,1951. Oct [Gavagan's Bar]

[With L. S. de Camp] Bell, Book, and Candle (ss) //Fantastic Universe, 1959. Oct [Gavagan's Bar]

[With L. S. de Camp] The Better Mousetrap (ss) //F&SF, 1950. Dec [Gavagan's Bar]

[With L. S. de Camp] The Black Ball (ss) //F&SF, 1952. Oct [Gavagan's Bar]

The Blue Star (na) //Witches Three [Ed. by F. Pratt]. - Twayne, 1952.

The Castle of Iron (na) //Unknown, 1941. April [Harold Shea]

[With L. S. de Camp] Caveat Emptor (ss) //Weird Tales, 1953. Mar [Gavagan's Bar]

[With Laurence Manning] The City of the Living Dead (nv) //Science Wonder Stories, 1930. May

The Conditioned Captain (na) //Startling Stories, 1953. May [==The Undying Fire]

[With L. S. de Camp] Corpus Delectable (ss) //De Camp L.S., Pratt F. Tales from Gavagan's Bar. - Twayne, 1953. [Gavagan's Bar]

Danger (ss) //Amazing, 1929. July [As with Irving Lester]

[With L. S. de Camp] A Dime Brings You Success (ss) //De Camp L.S., Pratt F. Tales from Gavagan's Bar. - Twayne, 1953. [Gavagan's Bar]

Doctor Grimshaw's Sanitarium, (ss) //Amazing, 1934. May

Double Jeopardy (n) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1952. April [George Helmfleety Jones]

[With L. S. de Camp] Elephas Frumenti (ss) //F&SF, 1950. Winter/Spring [Gavagan's Bar]

[With L. S. de Camp] The Eve of St. John (ss) //De Camp L.S., Pratt F. Tales from Gavagan's Bar. - Twayne, 1953. [Gavagan's Bar]

Expedition to Pluto (nv) //Planet, 1939. Winter

Gavagan's Bar (ss) //F&SF, 1950. Winter/Spring [Gavagan's Bar]

[With L. S. de Camp] The Gift of God (ss) //F&SF, 1950. Winter/Spring [Gavagan's Bar]

[With L. S. de Camp] Gin Comes in Bottles (ss) //De Camp L.S., Pratt F. Tales from Gavagan's Bar. - Twayne, 1953. [Gavagan's Bar]

The Great Steel Panic (ss) //Amazing, 1928. Sept [As with Irving Lester]

[With L. S. de Camp] The Green Magician (na) //Beyond, 1954. #9 [Harold Shea]

[With L. S. de Camp] The Green Thumb (ss) //F&SF, 1953. Feb [Gavagan's Bar]

[With L. S. de Camp] Here, Putzi! (ss) //De Camp L.S., Pratt F. Tales from Gavagan's Bar. - Twayne, 1953. [Gavagan's Bar]

Hormones (ss) //Star SF Stories #2 /Ed by F. Pohl. - Ballantine, 1953.

[With L. S. de Camp] The Land of Unreason (na) //Unknown Worlds, 1941. Oct [Harold Shea]

The Long View (na) //The Petrified Planet. - Twayne, 1952. [Uller]

[With L. S. de Camp] The Love Nest (ss) //De Camp L.S., Pratt F. Tales from Gavagan's Bar. - Twayne, 1953. [Gavagan's Bar]

The Mad Destroyer, 1930

[With L. S. de Camp] The Mathematics of Magic (na) //Unknown, 1940. Aug

[With L. S. de Camp] Methought I Heard a Voice (ss) //De Camp L.S., Pratt F. Tales from Gavagan's Bar. - Owlswick Press, 1978. [==When the Night Wind Howls] [Gavagan's Bar]

[With L. S. de Camp] More Than Skin Deep (ss) //F&SF, 1951. April [Gavagan's Bar]

[With L. S. de Camp] My Brother's Keeper (ss) //De Camp L.S., Pratt F. Tales from Gavagan's Bar. - Twayne, 1953. [Gavagan's Bar]

[With L. S. de Camp] No Forwarding Address (ss) //De Camp L.S., Pratt F. Tales from Gavagan's Bar. - Twayne, 1953. [Gavagan's Bar]

Octopus Cycle (ss) //Amazing, 1928. May [As with Irving Lester]

Official Record (nv) //Space SF, 1952. Sept

[With L. S. de Camp] Oh, Say! Can You See (ss) //De Camp L.S., Pratt F. Tales from Gavagan's Bar. - Owlswick Press, 1978. [==Ward of the Argonaut] [Gavagan's Bar]

[With L. S. de Camp] One Man's Meat (ss) //F&SF, 1953. Sept [Gavagan's Bar]

The Onslaught from Rigel (na) //Wonder Stories Quarterly, 1932. Winter

[With L. S. de Camp] The Palimpsest of St. Augustine (ss) //De Camp L.S., Pratt F. Tales from Gavagan's Bar. - Twayne, 1953. [Gavagan's Bar]

Pardon My Mistake (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1946. Dec

Potemkin Village (nv) //Startling Stories, 1953. Feb

Project Excelsior (na) //Pratt F. Double in Space. - Doubleday, 1951. [==Asylum Satellite]

[With L. S. de Camp] The Rape of the Lock (ss) //F&SF, 1952. Feb [Gavagan's Bar]

The Reign of the Ray (na) //Science Wonder Stories, 1929. June/July [As with Irving Lester]

[With L. S. de Camp] The Roaring Trumpet (na) //Unknown, 1940. May

The Roger Bacon Formula (ss) //Amazing, 1929. Jan [As with Irving Lester]

[With Walter Kubilius] Second Chance (ss) //Fantastic Story Magazine, 1952. Fall

The Seed from Space (na) //Startling Stories, 1951. May

Solution Vital (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1952. Feb

The Spiral of the Ages (na) //Startling Stories, 1954. Summer

The Square Cube Law (na) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1952. June [George Helmfleety Jones]

[With L. S. de Camp] The Stone of the Sages (ss) //De Camp L.S., Pratt F. Tales from Gavagan's Bar. - Twayne, 1953. [Gavagan's Bar]

[With L. S. de Camp] There'd Be Thousands in It (ss) //De Camp L.S., Pratt F. Tales from Gavagan's Bar. - Owlswick Press, 1978. [Gavagan's Bar]

The Thing in the Woods (ss) //Amazing, 1935. Feb [As with B. F. Ruby]

[With Walter Kubilius] Ultimate Purpose (ss) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, Aug 1951

[With L. S. de Camp] The Untimely Toper (ss) //F&SF, 1953. July [Gavagan's Bar]

A Violation of Rules (nv) //Startling Stories, 1952. Feb

[With I. M. Stephens] A Voice Across the Years (na) //Amazing, 1932. Winter

[With L. S. de Camp] The Wall of Serpents 1953

The Wanderer's Return (na) //Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1951. Dec

The War of the Giants (ss) //Wonder Stories, 1931. May

[With L. S. de Camp] Ward of the Argonaut (ss) //Fantastic Universe, 1959. Jan [==Oh, Say! Can You See] [Gavagan's Bar]

[With L. S. de Camp] The Weissenbroch Spectacles (ss) //F&SF, 1954. Nov [Gavagan's Bar]

[With L. S. de Camp] When the Night Wind Howls //Weird Tales, 1951. Nov [==Methought I Heard a Voice] [Gavagan's Bar] [Первый в серии]

[With L. S. de Camp] Where to, Please? //Weird Tales, 1952. Sep [Gavagan's Bar]

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Pratt, Murray Fletcher //Библиография фантастики. - М.: Келвори, 1996. С. 355-356.

Вл.Г. Прэтт (Марри) Флетчер //Энциклопедия фантастики: Кто есть кто /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - Минск: ИКО "Галаксиас", 1995. С. 461.

Вл.Г. Прэтт, (Марри) Флетчер //Энциклопедия фантастики /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. - М.: ООО "Международный центр фантастики", 1997. CD-ROM (HTML).


[Б.а.] Pratt, Fletcher //Tuck D.H., compl. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Through 1968. Vol. 2. - Chicago: Advent, 1978. P. 353-354.

Ash B. Fletcher Pratt //Ash B. Who Is Who in Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Elm Tree Books, 1976. P. 166.

[MJE] Pratt, Fletcher //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - Lnd.: Granada, 1981. P. 464-465.

[MJE/JC] Pratt, (Murray) Fletcher //The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. - N.Y.: St.Martin's Press, 1993. P. 956.

[MJE/JC] Pratt, (Murray) Fletcher //The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Ver. 1.0. - Danbury, CT: Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc., 1995.

[BS] Pratt, Fletcher //The Encyclopedia of Fantasy. - N.Y.: St. Martin's Griffin, 1999. P. 785.

Pratt, Fletcher //Who Goes There: A Bibliographic Dictionary of Pseudonymous Literature in the Fields of Fantasy and Science Fiction /Comp. by J.A. Rock. - Bloomington, Indiana: James A. Rock & Co., 1979. P. 118.


[Б.а.] Pratt, Fletcher (Murray) //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1980. S. 518-519.

[Б.а.] Pratt, Fletcher (Murray) //Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur. - München: Heine, 1988. S. 800-801

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